Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Resolutions!

Oh, I know, resolutions are things that are usually made just before a new year starts. 

But, for the past few years towards the finals days of my kids' school year, I have found the resolution habit bubbling away in my brain.  What are some of my summer resolutions, you ask?

1. Take the kids to the pool, a LOT!
2. Take the kids the beach, a LOT!
3. Go to the zoo, repeatedly - get our money's worth out of that zoo membership!
4. Picnics in the park!
5. Lots of awesome craft projects!
6. This summer, teach my older daughter how to cook while younger daughter is at camp!
7. Clean the whole house, top to bottom, to get as much stuff ready as possible for this next item:
8. Have a garage sale!
9. Clean the office, organize all our bill stuff, organize all my/our PWS-related stuff!
10. Eye appointment for Elder Daughter
11. Get up at 6:45 Tuesday - Friday for six weeks of the summer, to get kids/myself in the car, to get Younger Daughter to camp by 8:10 - through rush-hour traffic (note to all those who work in downtown Cleveland: if you could take the summer off, so that you're NOT all on the highway at that time of day, that would be awesome.  Just tell your boss I gave you permission. Thanks much!)
12.  Somehow find things to do w/Elder Daughter so that she doesn't spend the entire summer on the computer!

I can do all that, right?  Sure thing!


Thanks for reading,


Rachel said...

Ugh to the getting up early to drive through the traffic! Yay to teaching your older daughter to cook! Hope S loves camp! Sounds like you have a pretty full summer planned.

PascaleA said...

That is neat! I might want to make me a lost too ... could be a long one, always so much I want to do... and never get done.. or not enough.. certainly going to spend more time with my kiddos.
Have a good day! ~